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Fair Discounts

We provide honest fire-sale prices
to help you save money.

What Do Fair Discounts Mean?

  • Štítek

    We calculate the discount from the original prices before the sale*

  • Ušetřit

    We never calculate a discount off the launch price, not even for long-lasting special offers

  • Sleva

    We update our discount calculations regularly to keep them fair and transparent

    (Original prices and discounts are updated on the 1st of each month or when a specific item is included in a sale. )


Koss BT/740iQZ černá Poctivé slevy etiketa

Koss BT/740iQZ Wireless Headphones, Black 

Price after launch CZK 3,999.

Over time, their basic price was reduced to the current CZK 2,999.

We use this current price to calculate the discount for our sale campaigns.

Shop Watch will give you the confidence that you are shopping at a fair discount

Our long-term work has been recently recognised by Shop Watch, who monitor discounts in sale campaigns. " has been providing real discounts according to a transparent calculation - their declared discounts in the vast majority of cases coincide with our calculated real discounts," confirms Jakub Balada, the co-founder of Apify, the company behind Shop Watch.

You can check the fairness of our discounts using a plug-in.

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